To Establish Win-Win Relationship with All StakeholdersSuppliers/startups
Shared value
- Solid partnership to create high added value
- Supply chain guarantees a stable supply to society while respecting the environment and human rights
- Based on the Occupational Health and Safety Policy, the utmost priority is placed on the maintenance of the health and safety of all internal and external persons (workers) who provide service in the work environment of the TOK Group
- Open innovation through corporate ventures
Policies and basic initiatives
- Chemical substance regulations, customer requirement standards, and TOK procurement policy are shared through the TOK Group Standards on Chemical Substances Management
- Business is transacted with impartiality, fairness, and transparency based on the CSR Policy, while respecting human rights, and considering society and the global environment
- Information management complies with the TOK Group Information Management Policy
Key initiatives
Reduction in the volume of wasteEnvironment
Respect for human rights and fair working conditionsSocial
Risk ManagementGovernance
Relations with Other Stakeholders