Health of employees

Declaration of Health and Productivity Management

The TOK Group believes that good physical and mental health allows employees to maximally perform their skills and to achieve their individual potential, which will lead to the development of the company.

Based on the idea that human resources are the property of the company, which regards employees as valuable assets and has been observed consistently since our foundation, we will accelerate activities to maintain and promote employees’ wellbeing.


  1. We will maintain and promote the mental and physical health of employees by actively implementing measures for invigorating people and workplaces with a wide range of health measures.
  2. We will create an environment where employees can receive periodic and special health examinations, and other health services in a timely manner.
  3. We will steadily repeat the PDCA cycle toward maintaining and promoting health.
  4. In order to juggle work and family, we will promote cutting work hours, taking annual paid leave, supporting child care and family care, and other benefits.

Ensuring the health and safety of human capital

Promoting health management from the perspective of improving employee engagement

Since formulating the Health Management Declaration in June 2022, our Group has been dedicated to health management. We will continue to foster an environment where individuals can achieve self-realization and enhance their well-being bot mentally and physically. In FY 2024, we will focus on measuring presenteeism as one of our key initiatives while continuing and evolving the following existing measures. As one of the ways to create an environment where employees can be physically and mentally healthy and to maximize their individuality and abilities, TOK continued to implement Collab Health for the prevention and identification of diseases in cooperation with the Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Health Insurance Society while encouraging officers and employees to maintain and promote health. For example, the company launched the My Health Web as a portal to provide health related information for improving health knowledge and awareness among officers and employees. The Company also holds periodic walking festivals with the participation of the president and many officers and employees. In January 2024, TOK was designated a Sports Yell Company by the Japan Sports Agency for the fourth time.

To provide counseling services on mental and physical health, public health nurses have been appointed at certain sites. The company is also currently working to reduce the percentage of employees who smoke while strengthening countermeasures against passive smoking. TOK will continue to enhance the PDCA cycle of health and productivity management through its aim to nourish a health culture where officers and employees autonomously manage their health. These efforts have been appreciated, and TOK was recognized in the 2024 Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi in March 2024 for the sixth time.

By reinvesting the fruits of growth in human capital, we will continue to turn a virtuous cycle of human resource happiness (= self-realization) and corporate value improvement

Through the series of human capital initiatives described above, the Group will continue to invest in human capital and promote the self-realization of each individual by enhancing their skills and capabilities. By addressing more complex social and technical challenges and contributing to strategic trade-ons, we aim to further enhance the value and competitiveness of our products. This will allow us to achieve further revenue growth and to enhance corporate value. By reinvesting the fruits into human capital, we will continue to create a virtuous cycle of improving the happiness (= self-realization) of each individual and enhancing corporate value. Going forward, we invite you to look forward to the enhancement of our corporate value driven by the well-being of our talent at TOK.

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