Contribution to Local Communities

As a good corporate citizen, the TOK Group is involved in a broad spectrum of volunteer, educational and other social service activities in the regions in which it operates, in order to reach out to and enhance communication with local communities.

Environmental conservation activities

At the Aso plant, personnel participate in the forest preservation activities organized by Aso Green Stock, a public interest incorporated foundation with the intention of improving and enhancing the watershed cultivation function* within the Aso region and to establish an environment with a sustainable ecosystem. TOK designated an area on the north somma of Mt. Aso (736 m2) as the TOK Forest” In 2023, 31 employees worked to weed the area, cut bamboo, and engage in other activities on three occasions. At the Koriyama plant, personnel collected stranded aquatic plants in Lake Inawashiro, located in the approximate center of Fukushima Prefecture. Because stranded aquatic plants decay and decrease the water quality, the removal of aquatic plants is an important environmental conservation activity that serves to maintain water quality.

The company also dispatched six employees to participate in the afforestation activities with residents of Kanagawa Prefecture through the Kanagawa Trust Midori Foundation. TOK will continue to preserve biodiversity with the intention of starting a ripple effect inside and outside the company and spreading biodiversity activities throughout society.










* Functions of forest to reduce flooding under rainfall,

reservation of water resources, and water purification


Blood Donation on Red Cross


Every year, the blood donation activity is executed once or twice at each business site.

"Noryosai" (TOK Technology and Innovation Center(TTIC))


In October 2024, we held our 34th Summer Festival on the grounds of our company housing and bachelor dormitories.

Many people came to the event as a place to communicate with local residents and business partners, and our employees also ran stalls and performances, which we believe was enjoyed by people of all ages, from children to adults.





Contributing to the community through sports

We are an official sponsor of the Kawasaki Brave Thunders, a professional basketball club based in Kawasaki. 

  • Related Link

Announcement of the conclusion of an official sponsorship agreement with the Kawasaki Brave Thunders professional basketball club|Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co.


Sponsorship of Kawasaki City's 100th Anniversary

Our company is a bronze partner of the National Urban Greenery Kawasaki Fair, a project commemorating the 100th anniversary of the city of Kawasaki.

  • Related Link

Kawasaki City 100th Anniversary Commemorative Project Official Website (

Kawasaki City 100th Anniversary Commemorative Project - National Urban Greenery Kawasaki Fair (