Information Management

Leaks of information assets could substantially compromise the competitive advantages of the TOK Group and threaten its survival as a business entity. The environment surrounding business entities is drastically changing. Cybersecurity risks may impose a significant threat not only on TOK as a single company, but also on its entire supply chain. Reinforcing the information management system is a priority issue in terms of preserving corporate value and fulfilling our social responsibility. From this standpoint, the Company is redoubling its efforts in ensuring information security by maintaining a PDCA cycle.

Information Management Policy

The Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Group (Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries; hereinafter referred to as the “TOK Group”) has positioned managing risks related to information assets as an important business issue and is working to implement various measures in line with the following policy in order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility.


Definition, protection, and effective utilization of information assets

With respect to all information assets of the TOK Group, including managerial, client, marketing, personal, and technical information, the Group will comply with laws and regulations related to information security, other social norms, in-house rules, and other guidelines and protect the information appropriately. The Group shall only use the information to efficiently execute the operations of the Group within the stipulated scope of authority and for the prescribed purpose.


Update and maintain tools and security platforms

The TOK Group updates and maintains reasonable communications tools and security platforms for the effective use of its information assets.



Organizational structure and organized activities

The TOK Group established an Information Management Committee and will continue to build, maintain, and promote the management structure that can properly govern information assets for the overall Group.


Completeness, confidentiality, and availability

The TOK Group will identify and assess risks and continue to implement countermeasures and improvements as well as appropriately reduce information management risks through a range of human, physical, organizational, and IT-based measures to prevent leakage, falsification, theft, destruction, and other damage to the information assets in the possession of the TOK Group



The TOK Group will implement in-house education regularly and continuously and work to raise awareness so as to keep everyone well informed of the in-house rules and other regulations.


Incident response

The TOK Group will endeavor to minimize the damage in the event of an information security incident and implement measures to prevent its recurrence.


Audits and continuous improvements

The TOK Group will implement regular audits and make continuous improvements as a part of the management of information assets.


Information Management Structure

The TOK Information Management Committee is chaired by the Division manager of the Corporate Planning Division. The Committee determines the policies and measures related to information security and cybersecurity. The overseas subsidiaries established information management organizations, which develop systems and rules to collaborate under the guidance of the TOK Information Management Committee, thereby strengthening information management systems throughout the Group. In addition, the Internal Auditing Division regularly audits compliance to the rules and other matters on information management as part of its internal audits. The Division aims to improve the information management system by giving guidance, issuing proposals, and offering advice to relevant departments

Initiatives for Information Management

In the fiscal year ended December 2023, TOK continued to clarify the cybersecurity systems of the TOK Group, promoted measures against cyberattacks, and changed information management rules to make them more understandable for employees, thereby further improving understanding and dissemination. Additionally, the Group improved the information management standard by responding to amendments to personal information protection acts in Japan and Europe and implementing measures to prevent the outflow of human resources and technologies from the viewpoint of economic security.

Information Management Committee Diagram


* Chaired by the Department Manager of the Corporate Planning Department 


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