Corporate Governance

We strive to realize the management vision by placing enhancement of corporate governance as one of the most important issues.

Basic Concept

 The TOK management vision has been to become “The e-Material Global Company™” of contributing to a sustainable future through chemistry under its management principles since the establishment of TOK by creating a frank and open-minded business culture, continuing its efforts to enhance technology, raising the quality levels of our products, and contributing to society. TOK believes that realizing this will lead to benefits shared by shareholders and all other stakeholders and improve its corporate value.

 The company strives to realize its management vision by placing the enhancement of corporate governance as one of the most important issues, by ensuring transparency and the solidity of management and efficiency, and by expediting the decision-making process.

 TOK promotes the enhancement of corporate governance toward the establishment of a resilient organization as a material issue, and as part of the strategies under the TOK Medium-Term Plan 2024: section 5, “Establish a sound and efficient management foundation”. The Company promotes activities in accordance with the TOK Corporate Governance Guidelines that indicate its basic policies and approaches to continuously improve corporate governance.

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