Reduction in the volume of waste

As measures toward a circular economy, the company promotes the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) activities. By restricting the volume of generated waste, thoroughly sorting all waste by type, and increasing the volume that is recycled, TOK is working to make more effective use of resources. The company strives to maintain zero emissions* by reducing the landfill disposal volume by processing waste products through combustion or crushing, which is called intermediate treatment, and through stabilization and volume reduction initiatives.

* Zero emissions: Landfill disposal volume (direct or after intermediate treatment) of less than 1% of industrial waste discharged by production activities

Reduce Industrial Waste Emissions

In fiscal year 2020, TOK set a new medium-term target to reduce industrial waste generation (per base unit) by 15 points compared to 2019 by fiscal year 2030 (a reduction of approxi mately 1.4 points annually). With this target in mind, TOK has worked to reduce the different types of waste by refining and reusing process effluents, processing and recovering effluent internally, and converting waste into items of value.

In 2023, the company reused process effluents and proac tively converted waste into items of value; therefore, the indus trial waste per base unit increased by 4 points year-over-year. However, compared to 2019, which is the base year for the medium-term target, it increased by 19 points and failed to meet the target. The TOK Group will continue to promote measures to attain the medium-term targets, including an increase in the items of value and internal processing.

Amount of industrial waste generation.PNG
Amount of industrial waste generation.PNG

Achieved Zero Emissions

In 2023, industrial waste for landfill disposal after intermediate treatment stood at less than 1% of total waste; therefore, TOK achieved zero emissions for ten consecutive years since 2014.

  Scope Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
Volume of industrial waste*1 not-consolidated t 4380 4894 5405 4760
Landfill Waste(Non-recycled waste) not-consolidated t 38 45 47 27
Recycling rate*2 not-consolidated % 0.87 0.92 0.87 0.57

*1 General industrial waste + Specially controlled industrial waste
*2 Landfill Waste ÷ Volume of industrial waste

Techniques for Recycling Organic Solvent Effluents

TOK strives to effectively use the waste generated by its plants. For example, waste oil is sorted by type of recyclable solvent, and ratings of impurities and purity are introduced with strengthened control applied. In this way, it is possible to reuse waste oil that was previously disposed of as industrial waste. For other waste liquids that are discharged, TOK commissions businesses that can use the liquids as recycled resources as much as possible after understanding the treatment process. In addition, each site continues to focus on recycling activities, such as turning plastic drums into valuable materials and turning Styrofoam into ingots, in addition to plastic, glass, and metal waste, which contributes to the realization of a circular economy through the effective use of resources.



Reduce activities

TOK conducts a range of activities to reduce waste to the fullest extent possible at all company manufacturing sites inside and outside Japan, including the internal processing of waste fluid through water treatment facilities, converting waste into items of value by sorting and reducing the generated waste through modifications of the manufacturing processes.

Reduce: This refers to reducing the volume of waste material generated. Reduction involves minimizing the volume of materials in products in order to minimize the volume that is eventually discarded.

Reuse activities

Products incorporating organic solvents have been placed in stainless-steel containers since the late 1970s. This allows empty containers to be returned to TOK for reuse. In addition, some products are transported using tanker trucks. The company is also beginning to use reusable containers for some photoresist products, chiefly those used in the manufacture of LCD panels.

Reuse: This refers to the repeated use of manufactured goods, containers, and other products in order to reduce the volume of waste materials generated and to conserve resources.

Recycle activities

TOK recovers the organic solvents (process effluents) used in the manufacturing processes and refines those solvents on-site so that these chemicals can be reused for the same processes, among other measures to reduce industrial waste generation. At the same time, raw materials that can be reused through distillation and refining are recycled with the help of trusted partners (recycling companies).

Recycle: This refers to the use of waste materials as resources rather than incinerating the materials or sending them to a landfill, thereby conserving resources and preventing pollution.

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