Environmental ActivitiesEnvironmental Management

The TOK Group quantitatively measures the environmental impact throughout the value chain and works to reduce the environmental load with a full understanding of the impact our production activities have on the environment. We aim to achieve sustainable development alongside society through the development of products that conserve resources and energy.
Environmental Management Organization
To conduct business activities in line with our environmental policy, we have an organization in which managers of sites and divisions oversee and execute environmental programs under the supervision of department managers. Sites with a particularly large environmental impact have their own environmental committees that submit monthly reports to the department managers.
Environmental Policy
TOK Group strives to do businesses by achieving a sustainable society through investing appropriate management resources and ensuring health, safety and an appropriate environment through the Responsible Care Initiatives.*
● Complies with all environmental laws and regulations in each country and region in which we operate.
● Strengthens the safe-and-environmentally-friendly handling and management of chemical substances.
● Promotes efficient use, reduce, reuse, and recycling of resources.
● Improves energy-saving and global warming prevention activities.
● Promotes environmental pollution prevention activities.
● Promotes a healthy biodiversity.
* Responsible Care Initiatives: to ensure the environment, health, and safety related to all processes of chemical substances from development, manufacturing, distribution, use, final consumption, and final disposition
Building Environmental Management System
We have many environmental conservation activities, including programs to earn ISO 14001 certification, in order to establish efficient and effective environmental management systems. 100% of TOK group's manufacturing sites have obtained ISO 14001 certification.
Environmental Accounting*
TOK has used environmental accounting since 2000 in order to identify the expenses required for environmental conservation activities as well as the effects of such activities and to help promote environmental management. In 2023, environmental conservation expenses totaled 859 million yen for energy- saving equipment investments and renewals.
* Environmental accounting: A system for understanding environmental conservation- related investments and the expenses incurred by businesses and other organiza tions, as well as the effects of such investments in quantitative terms (currency or physical quantity) and communicating such information to stakeholders.
Category | Key Initiatives | Investment | Cost | |
Business area cost | Pollution prevention cost | Air, water, and other pollution prevention equipment and the renewal, operation, maintenance, and management of equipment Installation of flood control facilities |
69 | 87 |
Global environmental conservation cost | Energy conservation activities | 319 | 95 | |
Resource circulation cost | Installation of melting equipment | 4 | 198 | |
Upstream/Downstream cost | Green purchasing, collection of used products | 0 | 6 | |
Administration cost | Approach to environmental management system | 22 | 50 | |
R&D cost | Research and development related to environmental conservation (costs for chemical substances screening) |
0 | 7 | |
Social activity cost | Cleanup activities around the production plants | 0 | 2 | |
Environmental remediation cost | Treatment of soil pollution by the construction of a new building | 0 | 0 | |
Total | - | 414 | 445 |